Position & Speed Control System

Both the position and speed of the DC motor is regulated in this system. The actual motor position is measured by the optical incremental encoder and fedback to the control system. The speed signal is reconstructed from the same sensor. Due to friction in the bearings and mating parts, the controlled system is subjected to disturbance.

The rapid-prototyping of the control system by using ATRON® software enables the students to both observe the desired, actual, error and actuator control signals and tune the controller parameters on-the-fly. For the purpose of record and off-line observation, signals can be traced back in time.

Simulations are provided using third- party software such as MATLAB® and LabVIEW.

• Step/sine response of the first and second order systems
• Identification of the time constant
• Open loop gain identification
• Transfer function identification
• Bode diagram
• Steady-state error compensation

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